Teachers day celebration
Teachers day celebration at Govt Polytechnic College, Khunimajra
Government Polytechnic College, Mohali
Khunimajra, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali)
A placement drive was conducted by various companies which resulted in the placement of 36 students. 01. M/s Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co.Ltd. Mohali on 29/05/2022 02. Swaraj Mahindra Pvt. Ltd. Mohali on 06/05/2022 03. Allena auto Pvt. Ltd. Mohali Read more
Yoga day celebration by NSS and 75 years of Amrit Mahotsav. Conducted by Ms Poornima (Lect MOP) and Ms Harpreet Kaur (Lect MLT). Organized by Sh. Parminder S Saini (Lect ME) and Sh. Ravinder Kumar (Lect MLT).
Poetry recitation event held on the eve of 75th Independence Day is celebrated as ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’. Total of nine students participated in the event and ten poems based on the themes of nationalism/ struggle for independence/ patriotism were Read more
World Blood Donor Day Pledge Ceremony held on 15.06.2022, participated by the staff members and students.
As per the schedule for celebrating 75 years of independence, a painting competition was conducted on 13/6/2022. The result and report are as follows 1st position ….Sneha Rani Mlt 2nd sem. 2nd position…Anand Sri…civil 4th semester 3rd prize…Khushi Bansal…mlt 4th Read more
Mechanical Engineering 6th sem students, Harish Kumar and Javed Akhter bagged 1st and 3rd prize in CAD GURU competition under MechArena 2k22 organised by CGC Landran.
An essay writing event on the topic “Contribution of Shaheed Uddam Singh in Freedom Struggle” was held on 04.05.2022 to commemorate the 75th independence day. The following students participated and submitted their write-ups. Archit Kapoor EE sem 2 Kajal MOP Read more
As per the activity calendar for celebrating 75 yrs of independence, an exhibition of the posters/painting was conducted on 06.04.2022 by the students.